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Hairpiece Tape

Most hair systems — toupees in particular — usually require adhesive tape as the bonding method to attach to your scalp. So if you’ve already purchased or are thinking of purchasing a hair system from Superhairpieces Canada, why not add in some wig and toupee tapes as well? We offer a wide variety of different hairpiece tapes that are comfortable and keep your unit on your head so you’ll never have to worry about your units falling off! Find the best wig glue!

Note: It is strongly advised to conduct a patch test prior to using any new toupee tape in order to determine if there are any allergic reactions. Currently, there is a lack of research on the long-term safety of using adhesives on the skin. Therefore, using such adhesives carries potential risks, for which no conclusive studies are available. By purchasing and using these tapes, you acknowledge and assume these risks.

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