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Humans of Superhairpieces: More confidence with a hair topper

Humans of Superhairpieces: More confidence with a hair topper

Posted by Superhairpieces on 2022 Oct 31st

Meet Raquel. She’s originally from Brazil, but has been living in Canada for 21 years now. She enjoys hanging out with friends, walking her dog, and drinking wine. For most of her life, she never had to worry about her hair. That was until recent years when she started noticing significant hair loss. She tried a number of things ranging from Rogaine to even hairpieces, but never committed to it.

Fast forward to 2022, and she decided to do something about her hair loss. She booked an appointment at the Mississauga location of Superhairpieces and got a women’s hair topper installed. Read on to learn more about her hair loss story!

When did Raquel start dealing with hair loss?

Raquel had a beautiful head of hair for years. However, in 2020, she first started noticing significant hair loss; coincidentally, a year where many women started losing hair due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, she never got a definitive answer as she was told many different reasons for why this hair loss was occurring by doctors.

“Well, I had beautiful hair when I was young,” Raquel said. “And then, maybe around 2020, I realized that I started to lose my hair. I went to see doctors and nothing was wrong. One doctor said it was my nervous system, some other side said it was hormones. So I tried and tried and nothing really works.

“What bothered me was mainly when you take pictures, you can see yourself and that bald [spot] over there.”

What hair loss solutions did Raquel try?

When Raquel was told various potential reasons for her hair loss by doctors, she made sure to try and remedy the problem with popular hair loss solutions. One of them was minoxidil, more commonly known as Rogaine. However, it didn’t end up working for her to the effect that she desired as he continued to experience hair shedding.

“Yeah, they suggested me to do minoxidil and rub some stuff [on my hair]... It was okay, but [my hair] never really returned. My hair was always losing and losing.”

What hairpiece did Raquel get?

After consulting with our hair specialists, Raquel eventually decided to get the Queen 18 hair topper. This is a natural-looking French lace hair topper that comes with scalloped poly painting on the sides and back, allowing for tape and glue as attachment options. It comes with 18’’ of high quality Indian Remy human hair at a hair density of 125%. Overall, it’s a very breathable, durable, and comfortable top piece.

Watch Raquel get her Queen 18 women’s top piece installed below:

How did her life change after getting a hairpiece?

While Raquel always had hair before, she never quite had the 18’’ length the Queen 18 top piece provides. For now, she’s going to experiment with it to see how she likes the added length. But overall, she feels good and much more confident.

“I feel good, I feel good,” Raquel said. “I never really had long hair like that, but I just want to try to see. If not, I’m going to cut a little bit because I always have had short hair. I feel more confident for sure. I guess there are two things that are important -- our teeth and our hair. So if you have both, you're much more confident because you can smile if you have teeth and you can always [show off your hair]. Mainly for women, I guess it's very important.

“Having hair and not feeling like [bad] and not only that, I guess when you don't have hair, you look older, so there's another reason to.”

Did other people notice Raquel’s new hair?

When you wear a hairpiece, you want and don’t want people to notice it. You want people to notice that you have beautiful, long locks of hair so you receive compliments. At the same time, you don’t want people to notice that your hair is too natural-looking and suspect you of wearing a hairpiece.

With that said, Raquel’s experience has only seen the people close to her know that she’s wearing a hairpiece. Other than that, everyone else thinks it’s her real hair.

“Oh, to be honest, just the people who knew that I had hair [from the hair topper] realized it. Because even now, many people don't realize that it’s not my hair, you know?” she added.

“Even last week I met a friend, she's actually my neighbor in front of me, she lives and she says, ‘Oh, what did you do to your hair, your hair’s nice. Oh, it's nice. And the way you comb it.’ I said, ‘Oh, thank you.’ But she doesn't know that it's not real. It’s my hair because I pay for it but it's not my hair. And it's hard because if I don't tell people, they don't realize it's not my hair.”

Raquel’s advice for those considering wearing a hairpiece

Unfortunately, hair loss plagues a number of women around the world. For many, they resort to wigs and hair toppers. But many others still remain on the fence about it. So what does Raquel advise to any women out there dealing with balding or hair thinning?

“So I say, come on. Why don't you give it a try, right? It’s worth it to try,” she says. “And if you don't really like it, your hair is going to grow, the one you shave, and if you like, it’s better, right? Give it a try because it's very nice and you're gonna feel much, much better. It's something that increases your confidence and why not? If you can feel better and be happier, let's try!”

Interested in following Raquel’s advice? Are you in the Greater Toronto Area and interested in starting out with a hairpiece? Visit our Mississauga location and get your hair topper or wig installed by our stylists just like Raquel did!


Interested in learning more about hair replacement solutions such as hair systems and toupees? Browse through our website at (US & International) or (CAN)

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