Humans of Superhairpieces: No longer worried about my appearance
Posted by Superhairpieces on 2022 Aug 31st
Meet Robert. He’s an immigrant from Poland who lives in Canada. He likes to keep active by playing sports and one of his hobbies includes biking. However, he started dealing with hair loss and being an outdoors person, it was starting to affect his confidence as he kept worrying about how he looked.
He eventually turned to hair systems and hasn’t looked back since. He detailed his hair loss journey following a recent installation at the Superhairpieces salon located in Mississauga, Ontario. Read on to learn more!
When did Robert start dealing with hair loss?
As much as over 50 percent of men will experience significant hair loss by the time they’re in their forties. And while it’s much better to experience hair loss when you’re in your forties compared to your twenties, it’s still never a great feeling.
“The first time I started dealing with hair loss was when I was around 40 years old,” Robert said. “I got sick, I had to take antibiotics, a lot of them and after, I think there was three months, one day, one shower, I lost one-third of my hair. I found the hair in a bathtub. So that's how I actually started noticing that I'm losing my hair and I knew exactly why. I've been told that my hair should grow back. They never did.
“... I’m a pretty active guy so my hair is kind of important to me.”
What led to Robert trying out a hair system?
There are many options to choose from when it comes to dealing with hair loss. You can opt for prescription medicine, hair transplants and hair fibers just to name a few. However, as fate would have it, Robert would end up trying a hair system.
“It was a pure accident. Actually my girlfriend, she saw an advertisement on television and I said, ‘okay I'm gonna do this once or twice.’ So I ordered two systems. I found out after less than a year that my hair will probably never grow back.”
He hasn’t looked back as he has now been a Superhairpieces customer for over six years and always drops by our salon for installation or maintenance services.
How have hairpieces changed his life?
For many clients, they usually mention how wearing a hairpiece has changed their life and/or improved their confidence tenfold. Robert was no different and is particularly benefitting given his active lifestyle. He no longer has to worry about how his hair (or lack of) fares with the rain or when he’s sweating.
Most of all, he likes what sees in the mirror as he feels he looks almost the same as he did when he was in his late twenties now that he has a full head of hair again.
“It makes me more confident,” he said. “I can participate in any sports activities, which I love to do. I don't have to worry about how I look, I don't have to worry about the rain, I don't have to worry about [being] sweaty. I like myself. I like what I see in the mirror. I mean, it reminds me of how I looked when I was 25 or 30.
“On top of it, most people are telling me, ‘Robert what you are doing, you look so young!’”
What hair system did Robert get?
For his visit, Robert ended up going with the M109 mono top lace front hair system.
This toupee comes with a French lace front that helps Robert achieve a natural-looking front hairline. It’s also constructed with monofilament silk material to provide breathability and a comfortable wearing experience. Finally, it makes use of 1’’ of poly skin coating on the sides which add durability to the overall system and make it easy to attach with glue.
Robert is certainly pleased with it and recommends Superhairpieces to anyone else interested in potentially starting their hair system journey.
“The system is well made,” he added. “It looks almost real. I would recommend Superhairpieces to everyone.”
You can watch how to install the M109 as demonstrated by our stylist on another client below:
Start your hair system journey today!
You, too, can start liking what you see in the mirror again just like Robert by starting your hair system journey today! Book a consultation with Superhairpieces and our hair specialists will help you determine the right hairpiece based on your needs and lifestyle.
From there, you can order your first hair system and if you’re in the Greater Toronto Area, you can book an appointment to get your system installed, cut and styled by one of our many experienced hair stylists! You no longer have to be resigned to your hair loss. There’s a non-surgical solution out there that is instant, has no side effects and will give you the hair of your dreams.
Interested in learning more about hair replacement solutions such as hair systems and toupees? Browse through our website at (US & International) or (CAN)
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