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Testimonial: How a hair system helped a university student become more confident

Testimonial: How a hair system helped a university student become more confident

Posted by Superhairpieces on 2022 Aug 29th

Meet Hector. He’s a 25-year-old university student and Superhairpieces client who has been dealing with hair loss as early as when he was 18 years of age. He tried a number of things such as Rogaine and hair fibers. However, it was only when he started wearing hair systems for men late last year that he found a real solution. He was no longer self-conscious about his appearance and saw his confidence rise exponentially. Read on to learn about his hair loss story and how hairpieces for men helped him out!

When did Hector start dealing with hair loss?

Hector is a part of the unlucky percentage of men who started experiencing balding or hair loss in their teen years. It may surprise you, but teenagers can definitely start experiencing hair loss. It’s especially rough to experience losing your hair when you’re a young adult as it not only makes one look older, but can seriously affect their confidence and peace of mind during a crucial stage in life.

“My whole hair loss journey, if you want to call it, really started when I was 18 at the time,” Hector recalled. “I was playing a lot of soccer, I had athlete's foot, but I finally decided to go to the doctor and I told my doctor, ‘hey, like what can I do for this?’ He said, ‘oh yeah,don't worry about it, we'll give you this medicine.’ So I took this medicine, thought everything was fine. A few months passed and I saw that my feet were getting a lot better, but then the problem later became that I also noticed my hair was thinning.

“… When you're 18 or 19 years old, your hair is like a really big part of who you are. I spoke to one of my closest friends at the time and I just asked, ‘hey, like do you see thinning?’ And she's like, ‘yeah, like I don't know what's going on, Hector. You're not that old. And I was like, ‘yeah, I don't know why, I think it's the medicine.’”

How did Hector deal with his hair loss initially?

Hector first started using hair fibers from Toppik. Hair fibers have become popular in recent years as they stick to your hair and help conceal areas of hair loss. They are essentially camouflaging your scalp and providing the appearance of a full head of hair. However, they can wash off and have to be reapplied everyday.

Hector also tried prescription medicine for hair loss. He specifically tried a foam-based medicine called minoxidil, or as it’s known by its brand name Rogaine. That, as well, not only requires daily application, but has to be taken for life in order for results to remain. That’s without mentioning the potential side effects it can carry.

“So at 18, I decided to start using Toppik,” Hector said. “I also started picking up Rogaine and using Rogaine and for an 18 year old to have to do all of that, that's kind of tough. That's not the best thing for someone to have to do. Like I remember when my hair, I felt that it was thinning, I would bring a comb with me everywhere I would go. Even through university, I would always have a comb on me and I would comb my hair as soon as I would get to whatever building I'd be in. And a few friends tell me like, ‘oh, just rock the bald look!’ And I don't know, I’m 25 now, I don't feel like I look 25. I don't have a beard. I don't really have a mustache. I can try to grow as much as I can and I still don't really get anything.”

READ: Why men cannot just shave their head and go bald

“So that was the thing, it was like there was no real solution for me other than to just use Toppik and Rogaine and those fibers get everywhere. I would have to be careful where I where I laid down and all that and that's not fun. Having to kind of be hyper aware of everything just because of your hair. That's not something an 18, 19, 20, 21 year old should have to deal with.”

How have hairpieces changed his life?

Hector eventually decided to try out a hair system late last year and it’s fair to say it’s changed his life. He is much more confident now and no longer has to worry about his appearance when he’s out in public. He certainly doesn’t need to carry a comb with him everywhere either.

“I'm not scared anymore,” he said. “I'm not self conscious about my hair anymore. I kind of just go out and do what I want to do and that feeling and that confidence, like it was always in here, but I think it was hidden away.

“... I would advocate, if you're thinking about getting a hair system, do it. It definitely saves you a lot of time. I remember I used to have to apply the Toppik into my hair every single day and it would take me like an hour or two hours to do that. And the amount of stress that that all created to do that -- it's all been relieved now with the hair system. Honestly, it takes me 2-3 hours, maybe sometimes even 4 on a Sunday to just reapply and everything. But at least with the current application that I have right now, this is day eight. So a little over a week, I could probably wear this until next week too.”

What were the reactions from his friends and family?

While hair systems are great for what they achieve, not everyone wants others to know that they’re wearing one. In Hector’s case, he was helped by the COVID-19 pandemic. But regardless, he has found that the people who care about him won’t say anything even if they did find out.

“I've gotten comments from friends like, 'oh, you grew your hair out?’ and stuff like that and I was like yeah,” Hector said. “I just say I grew it out because people haven't seen you for a long time because of COVID. When you come back, your hair is the last thing that they worry about whereas before I was kind of always self conscious, ‘oh, like are they gonna see my hair, are they going to say something?’ No, the people who care about you won't say anything.”

What products does he use?

Hector recently ordered the M104 hair system and will have an unboxing video out soon so stay tuned for that! Prior to that, he was using a hairpiece from his salon and would use two different types of adhesives including Ghost Bond Platinum and Walker Extenda-Bond Tape.

“I currently use a Ghost Bond Platinum for the hairline, and then I use Walker Extenda-Bond for like the rest of it,” he explained. “... That's been pretty quick. Now I've optimized it to be able to get all this done so fast.”

Need supplies like wig glues, wig tapes, scalp protectors and more? Shop hair system supplies at Superhairpieces.

What is Hector’s advice for people considering wearing a hair replacement system?

Hector no longer deals with stress or anxiety while he has also freed up a lot of time by getting into the non-surgical hair replacement world. He advises anyone else who is also interested to simply go for it and live their best life.

“Not everyone has the same path, you know? And I know that this is the path for me at least, like I've found this to work really, really well and I'm really glad that I am now able to kind of share this message with other people and just tell them: go for it. If you think it's going to save you time, if you think it's going to save you stress, go for it, who's to tell you that you can't do something?

“This is my second piece so far, and I've been in love with it. I think if you're thinking about it, if you're on the fence, I would say do it, look for a stylist around you that can kind of cut in and kind of like cut your hair really, really well. But that's the thing, haircutting and everything seems like normal because it’s just like you have normal hair. You just have to maintain it and all that. It will be one less thing that you worry about.

“I remember being in those shoes, kind of looking at everyone's head, like, is everyone looking at my head too, and no, that's not the thing. People aren't really looking at you as much as you think they are, and at least for me, this thing kind of helped put that peace of mind, and now, you see a big smile on my face. I mean that smile was always there, but now it's not as self conscious anymore. I'm not thinking about everything that I do anymore. It's definitely worth it for the peace of mind that it gave me. I would definitely recommend it to anyone!”

Interested in getting a men’s toupee like Hector? Start your hair system journey today and if you’re in the Greater Toronto Area in Canada, check out our local GTA services at the Superhairpieces salon for all your installation, styling and maintenance needs!


Interested in learning more about hair replacement solutions such as hair systems and toupees? Browse through our website at (US & International) or (CAN)

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