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Humans of Superhairpieces: Daniel Hansei

Humans of Superhairpieces: Daniel Hansei

Posted by Superhairpieces on 2022 Jul 19th

It doesn’t matter what your background, age, or gender is — hair loss can affect anyone at any time for numerous reasons. Hair loss can also negatively impact a person's self-esteem and confidence. It can be detrimental to their day-to-day interactions with others, whether it’s at work, school, or on outings with friends.

Meet Daniel Hansei, a construction worker from Toronto, Ontario, who recently purchased a hair system from us for the first time. Here’s his hair loss story which you can also watch in video format if you prefer:

When did Daniel lose hair?

“I lost a lot of hair,” Daniel said. “By that time, I realized it’s time to go for a hairpiece or some type of hair transplantation.”

The issue with hairpieces is that they weren’t as common as they are today. Technology has advanced significantly, especially when it comes to the hairpiece industry. Wigs and toupees for men have become more common and accepted today.

Daniel first noticed hair loss in 2007. However, he didn’t consider hair systems until 2017 when he tried on toupees from other companies and was unsatisfied with the results.

Wearing a toupee was once looked down upon because of how fake it appeared. Hairpieces are now a valid solution and alternative for hair loss — they have gained massive popularity due to their natural look, comfortable wear, and durability.

hair before and after

What did Daniel feel when he experienced hair loss?

Daniel’s self-esteem and confidence plummeted after losing so much hair. “It was embarrassing to be bald,” Daniel said.

Unfortunately, hair loss changed how he went about his days. “When I went outside, I always wore a hat. I was feeling so uncomfortable,” he added.

It eventually became a wake-up call – Daniel started searching for a hair replacement solution that was convenient and non-surgical, as he was tired of wearing caps whenever he went outdoors.

How did he end up at Superhairpieces?

Daniel first started searching for a hair system in 2017. “I tried some hair systems from some companies. But it was not impressive, so I abandoned the idea [of wearing a hairpiece],” said Daniel.

Daniel would later learn about us. “My friend, he referred me here [Superhairpieces], we were playing some sports at the time, he said go and try this,” Daniel said.

His friend knew that Daniel was in the market for a hair replacement system. Daniel was impressed with the quality of his friend's toupee and decided to take a leap of faith by trying out the hairpieces we offer.

How does Daniel feel now that he’s gotten a hair system?

Daniel’s a new customer, and we’re proud to say he’s coming back!

“Fantastic! Fantastic service,” he said. “The hairdresser was really good and professional. They did it [the hair replacement procedure] quickly, and swiftly.”

“Today’s my first time [at Superhairpieces], from a scale of one to ten, I would say ten definitely, for this kind of service and everything.”

What hairpiece did he end up choosing?

Daniel was satisfied with the service and the M158 toupee that was selected for him. It comes with a full poly base in addition to four lace windows for breathability — an excellent choice, as it’s comfortable to wear, breathable, and great for outdoor activities! We strive to promote and offer the highest quality toupees and wigs.

M158 French Lace thin skin toupee

There are many other customers like Daniel, who leave our stores with huge smiles on their faces. It's a true testament to how effective hair replacement systems are in not only being a real solution for getting a full head of hair back, but also bringing joy and confidence back to people.


Interested in learning more about hair replacement solutions such as hairpieces? Browse through our website at (US & International) or (CAN)

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